Share File Instruction

We at Dillwood Burkel & Millar take it very seriously to protect confidential client information.  Currently we use ShareFile, a Citrix secure file transfer service, to address our concerns regarding the safely transfers of your information.

Receiving Documents from Us:

When you receive documents with sensitive information from us, the documents will be embedded in our emails to you via ShareFile, a software that provides high-level encryption.  You will need to provide some basic personal information to be able to download it from ShareFile’s secured site.

Uploading Files to Us:

If you need to upload files to us, please send an email to your contact with our firm, who will then send you a link to access a user-friendly site to upload files. Alternatively, if you have a recent email from your DBM contact, you may find the link to securely upload files to them in their signature block.

QuickBooks users: a friendly reminder that in order to expedite the upload process, please provide a portable file instead of a backup file when you sent in the information.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the safety measures we have in place to protect your information. We appreciate working with you.

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